According to the current variety of children's play facilities and children's play equipment, it is divided into 15 categories, namely, horses, swing machines, coin-operated amusement machines, scooters, gyros, flying towers, racing cars, self-controlled aircraft.Viewing cars, small trains, overhead tour buses, water rides, bumper cars, battery cars, somatosensory games, bungee jumping, slides, ziplines.

Our rides are re-improving children's play equipment, making it smaller and safer, making him more suitable for entertaining.

We need to pay attention to the following points when selecting amusement equipment:

1) The thickness of the sheet, the thickness of the steel.

This is something that is covered under the surface and is often ignored by many people who are new to the line.Children's Paradise As a service industry, security is the focus.Without a stable and solid structure, how can it be safe?

2) The quality and life of the motor.

3) Is the riding toy a plush toy?

Plush toys are not only easy to deform, they are more dirty, and there is no way to clean them.

1. Amusement equipment color:

For children, the beautiful appearance of colorful lighting and wonderful music is the first element to attract customers. In the first time, give customers a good impression to make visitors become your customers.

2. Amusement equipment modeling:

Ordinary equipment styling can no longer attract more customers, but for the unknown dinosaur shape, it will attract children's attention and love, and encourage children to become your customers.

Gengu is the most professional animatronics products factory in China, our products include animatronic dinosaur,costume,animal,insect,dragon,fossil,amusement park ride and other customized models. If any item meet your interests please let us know. 

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15-14 Jinchuan Rd,National high-tech zone, Zigong, Sichuan, China.

Product* How To Choose Amusement Park Rides